
Halloween Jigsaw Puzzle

This years' Halloween jigsaw puzzle is based on the brilliant Uri jefferesons freakshow. The detail of this creation is superb and has the feel of the real thing, especially with the imaginative avatars wandering around and doing their freaky things. It also offers free roleplay for those who want to dive in and be part of the show. The landmark profile says all you need to know:
 For Halloween, journey back in time to the days of old Freakshows, showcasing the deformed, the macabre, the freaks of nature in this 5th year of this truly amazing show.

Follow the link above to visit this location, then come back to solve the jigsaw puzzle below. View a fullscreen version by clicking the bottom right corner of the puzzle. Enjoy your Halloween jigsaw puzzle and have fun exploring Uri Jeffersons Freakshow.

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