
Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendar

The new year is almost here and we all like to have calendars to mark special days and events, so here at SL-Inspiration we have an early Christmas gift for you, a free wallpaper calendar to download and keep. The calendar has lots of features, with images from Second Life to brighten up your PC. You can even create your own calendar to print, as well as add important days and events. Below explains some of what your calendar can do, so read on, take in some of the calendar pics then download your free calendar here.  The file is stored on Google Drive so you can be sure it is free of anything nasty!

Installing The Calendar

To install the calendar first follow the download link then unzip the file. If you don't have any unzip software then you can get the open scource 7zip  here. Once the folder is unzipped, simply double click the installer and you're done.

Using Your Calendar

Once the calendar is installed you'll see at the bottom right of the screen a number of buttons. From left to right they are:
  • Copyright information
  • Print
  • Previous image
  • Next image
  • Digital Photo Recovery
  • Toggle desktop icons
  • Notes
  • Toggle Calendar
  • List images
  • Settings
Most of these buttons are self explanatory but here is a run through of some of the most useful features under Settings.

Design Options

This allows you to select how the calendar will appear on your desktop. There are many options to choose from and below are just two examples. To the left of the Design Options window you can edit the font of the calendar and transparency levels.

A compact calendar that appears to the top right of the screen.

This calendar option runs down the right of the screen. If you don't want the calendar to be constantly visible then remember, you can toggle its visibility.

Images Options

The image options allow you to select which images are shown and the size of the thumbnail for the list images function.

Buttons Options

The buttons options lets you select which buttons appear on the screen.

The Journal Feature

As you would expect with any calendar there is a journal feature, which enables you to mark special dates and appointments. To use the journal click on the relevant date in the calendar and the journal window will appear. The above image shows that you can copy and paste events, create new ones, select the font and colour, and add icons to an entry. Once you have finished adding an entry simply click the close button.

 Printing a Calendar

As well as providing a desktop calendar there is also an option to print your own using your favourite image. Simply use the arrows to find the image you want to use then hit the print button. A window similar to the image above will appear where you can select the format for your calandar. There are plenty to choose from. When you are ready hit the Print button to the top right of the window.

Hiding The Calendar

If you find you don't want the images on your screen all of the time, it is easy to revert to your previous screen appearance. Click the Windows icon to the bottom left of your screen then select Settings.

Now click the Personalization option and a window similar to below will appear.

Click on the background you want for your screen. When you are ready you can follow the same procedure for when you want your calendar to appear again.

If you want to uninstall your calendar at any time go to Control Panel, then Uninstall or Change Program, and select ePix Calendar.

We hope you enjoy using this calendar and if so why not have a go at creating your own, for yourself and to share by clicking the 'Powered by ArtPlus' icon. Merry Christmas to all and a happy New Year!